Saturday, December 4, 2010

Some Updates

These are in no particular order. Okay, that's a lie. They have an order...the order in which I think of them.

1. My feet are absolutely freezing right now. I have socks on, but I'm contemplating putting on another pair plus my slippers. Seriously, I live in Antarctica.

2. I have many projects due next week. Huge projects. Very important projects. Projects that determine my whole grade. Yet here we are.

3. I have submitted 5 law school applications, 4 of which cost only the LSAC reporting fee of $12 because the schools decided they like me and would give me fee waivers. Why thank you, Law School People! How kind of you. I could potentially become fond of you as well.

4. I have a date next Friday with the boy on whom I have a large crush. :)

5. My roommates and I are going to Idaho Falls tonight to go Christmas shopping and have dinner at Red Robin. We spend lots of time together as a whole apartment because we're awesome and fun and say crazy things to each other that we write on our mirror so we can continue to laugh at them for weeks to come.

6. I've decided not to buy any more cosmetics or cleaning supplies tested on animals. Call me a hippie, but I just don't feel comfortable with the thought of a little bunny going blind so I can have mascara. Do I enjoy not looking like a 12-year-old? Yes. Yes, I do. But not enough to support animal cruelty.

7. I have to go to the bathroom really badly.

8. I am VERY excited for my favorite roommate to come back to Rexburg next semester, even though she is now married and won't be my roommate and everything will be different. Wow, that thought went from exciting to depressing very quickly. Anyway, I'll still get to see her everyday because we work together. Huzzah!

9. My grammar principle as of late is not ending sentences with prepositions. For example, in my previous sentence, "They have an order...the order in which I think of them", I did not say, "the order I think of them in" because "in" is a preposition and should not end a sentence. I sound extra nerdy and slightly snobby, but it makes my grammar nerd heart happy. Even if no one I talk to is aware of the principle, I am, and that's all I care about. And after I started paying special attention to it, I saw an episode of the Big Bang Theory (my new favorite show) where Sheldon pointed out the exact principle to one of the other characters. Thank you so much for validating me, Sheldon. I love you forever.

10. My feet are still freezing.


  1. Mar. I miss you. And stalking with you. Sounds like life is going great for you. And thanks for the random grammar tip. I have felt myself slipping in the past year and a half. (As is illustrated by my starting a sentence with the word and.) However, might I mention that being a reading tutor has ruined me for life? I still silently correct people's grammar, and cynically roll my eyes when I see a grown man write two when he really means too. Well now that I have won the longest post of the year award, I'll go.

  2. You are welcome for introducing you to that show. Hilarious!
