Saturday, December 4, 2010

Some Updates

These are in no particular order. Okay, that's a lie. They have an order...the order in which I think of them.

1. My feet are absolutely freezing right now. I have socks on, but I'm contemplating putting on another pair plus my slippers. Seriously, I live in Antarctica.

2. I have many projects due next week. Huge projects. Very important projects. Projects that determine my whole grade. Yet here we are.

3. I have submitted 5 law school applications, 4 of which cost only the LSAC reporting fee of $12 because the schools decided they like me and would give me fee waivers. Why thank you, Law School People! How kind of you. I could potentially become fond of you as well.

4. I have a date next Friday with the boy on whom I have a large crush. :)

5. My roommates and I are going to Idaho Falls tonight to go Christmas shopping and have dinner at Red Robin. We spend lots of time together as a whole apartment because we're awesome and fun and say crazy things to each other that we write on our mirror so we can continue to laugh at them for weeks to come.

6. I've decided not to buy any more cosmetics or cleaning supplies tested on animals. Call me a hippie, but I just don't feel comfortable with the thought of a little bunny going blind so I can have mascara. Do I enjoy not looking like a 12-year-old? Yes. Yes, I do. But not enough to support animal cruelty.

7. I have to go to the bathroom really badly.

8. I am VERY excited for my favorite roommate to come back to Rexburg next semester, even though she is now married and won't be my roommate and everything will be different. Wow, that thought went from exciting to depressing very quickly. Anyway, I'll still get to see her everyday because we work together. Huzzah!

9. My grammar principle as of late is not ending sentences with prepositions. For example, in my previous sentence, "They have an order...the order in which I think of them", I did not say, "the order I think of them in" because "in" is a preposition and should not end a sentence. I sound extra nerdy and slightly snobby, but it makes my grammar nerd heart happy. Even if no one I talk to is aware of the principle, I am, and that's all I care about. And after I started paying special attention to it, I saw an episode of the Big Bang Theory (my new favorite show) where Sheldon pointed out the exact principle to one of the other characters. Thank you so much for validating me, Sheldon. I love you forever.

10. My feet are still freezing.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Assorted News

First off, I got my LSAT score back. And ohhhhhhh baby am I proud of myself! I got a 163, which is the 88th percentile. I keep going back to the website to look at my score to make sure I really did read it right and it really isn't going away.

It's probably good enough to get me into my top choices (University of Maryland, BYU, George Washington, Lewis and Clark, Gonzaga), but my GPA may possibly drag me down. 3.5 sounds great when compared to my 2.8 roommate, but it doesn't look so hot next to all the 3.7s and 3.8s I'll be up against. Curses on Hebrew and Anatomy for giving me so much trouble! (But they were definitely my favorite classes and taught me the most. Why can't I be graded on how hard I tried and how much I learned?)

In other news, my "no-crush" resolution from the last post was a dismal failure. I lasted all of three weeks into the semester. I was holding out. I went the whole 7-week break prepping myself. I was really doing it. I did not flirt with a male in all that time, though at least one tried. In fact, I was so anti-boy I was rude. It was mean of me. And this particular new boy got some of that meanness in the beginning, before I even noticed him.

And then one day at work I heard a voice behind me and turned around to look and...well, he was cute. But then I forgot about him and went back to my man-hating. Until a few days later, when there was an open seat next to him.

"Okay, self," I told myself, "You have two options. You can stay away from him and keep your resolution and save yourself a lot of trouble and worrying and heartache. Or you can go sit next to him, talk to him, and inevitably end up with a crush on him that will most likely end in more frustration, tears, and pain."

Obviously I chose B.

It took about 5 seconds for me to develop a mad crush on him. He is smart, funny, very cute, nice, and (I think like this best of all) he tells me things like "You are beautiful" and "You make me smile" and "You're one of my favorite people" and wraps me up in big giant hugs in his big giant arms and smiles big giant smiles down at me. It's completely foreign and slightly scary but kind of amazing at the same time. :)

I keep telling myself not to get my hopes up, but myself won't listen and my hopes are already up. He seems pretty interested in me, but then again a few before him have seemed that way, as well. We shall see. I just hope I'm not shooting myself in the foot by half-expecting him to turn out to be a waste of time. I have a hard time believing it could be that easy--I could like someone and he could actually like me back, just like that. It's never happened that way before. I'm a sociologist. I follow trends and patterns, and this does not fit the trend. I want to do research and study and understand it scientifically.

Friday, July 30, 2010

New Semester, New Leaf

Let me start this off by saying this new layout thing was an accident. I don't know how I did it and I don't know how to change it, so I guess it's good it's not that bad. Anyway.

I have made a resolution for fall semester: no boys. I'm not saying no boys will be in my life; I have many guy friends and I'm not just going to get rid of them. But that's it. Friends. I am NOT going to let myself fall for any of said guy friends or develop crushes on new guys or any of my usual tricks. No over-analyzing perfectly harmless smiles that have no meaning besides, "That was silly. We're friends." No hoping and wishing and dreaming and praying for things that I know, deep down, are not going to happen. I can't keep doing that to myself.

Oh, please, you might be saying to yourself. YOU, Mar? No crushes? Yes, me. No crushes. I am determined and I'm nothing if not stubborn. I think it'll be good for me. I can just relax and be friends and not try to impress anyone. And, as a result, I can just CALM DOWN about everything and not get emotionally attached to people who are not emotionally attached to me. It will be so much healthier.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Blogging is obviously not one of my talents. Apparently I only use this thing to vent. Sorry to anyone who has to read all those. I promise I have fun and love my life and am very blessed and all that jazz. I need to vent though. I'll mix good things in, too.

--Shooting guns is fun, and I am lucky to have good ol' country boys as my friends who have guns and are willing to take me shooting and let me waste their shells. I cannot hit a moving target to save my life (I really doubt that will ever be necessary to save my life, luckily), but I'm not too bad at blowing the branches off bushes. Sorry, nature.

--I've been pretty into Bob Marley lately. Just his music, not his drugs or hairstyle. Unsanitary.

--I am tan. Not really tan compared to many other people, but tan compared to my winter-self, which is always a fun thing. I've actually had several people comment on it, and the other day I was the tannest person out of our group of blonde, blue-eyed Aryans. Thank you very much!

--Sometimes I really hate girls. Why are they so mean to each other? And by that I mean: why do they always have to try to steal the boy I want? Especially when they are one of my really good friends and know better than anyone how much I like said boy? And why is it the girls who do that are always the ones who seem to have some kind of magnetic device that attracts all boys to them, no matter what, so even if he wanted to resist her wiles and pick me he would be powerless to do so?

--I also sometimes really hate boys. Why does it not matter if you've been friends for a long time and hang out every day and talk about everything and are super close? Why do they always choose some girl they barely know just because of that stupid magnet thing, even though she's way too young for them and way too high maintenance for them and doesn't even like the same music they do, for CRYING OUT LOUD??! And why do some boys who have been your best friend for 7 months and cuddle with you and call you every other day and have sisters you hang out with and get along with really well have to start dating someone else and then ask you for advice about it? Or boys you wrote to every week for their whole mission and sent packages to on their birthdays get home and start dating someone else and tell you they hope it works out with that girl because she was the only one who wrote to him who he "saw any potential with." That part is definitely not fun.

--It's finals week. I finished a paper today, have 8 more pages of another paper to write, haven't studied even one second for my anatomy and physiology final tomorrow, and have to take a final at 7 am on Friday. Why on Earth does a final exam at 7 am even EXIST? That's disgusting. My brain is supposed to be on and writing essays about value theory ethics and consequentialism at 7 in the morning? Yeah, right.

--I've decided to move to a different apartment complex after fall semester. That's a huge deal for me. I've never moved. I have lived in the same complex for the entire 3 years I've been in college, and I've been in the exact same apartment for over a year now. I don't deal with change well, which is why I need to do it. I am scared, even though it's really not that big a deal.

--My brother is getting married. Weird. I am going to have a sister-in-law. And I've never met her. So strange. And I admit I was upset at first. Working on that.

--I teach the students I tutor about time management. I am a hypocrite. Luckily they don't know that.

--Seriously, I'm mad about my roommate trying to hork my man. I've been seething about it all weekend and specifically all day yesterday and today. Plus when stuff like that happens I tend to back off rather than fight harder for him, so I haven't talked to him in like two days, which is actually not normal for us and is making me more upset. Oh, what a mess. I denounce men from here on out. I'm moving to the moon and my law degree will have to keep me warm at night, until I'm an actual lawyer and pay off my student debts and can afford a fancy heater. And then we'll see who's laughing when I'm rich and have a yacht and buy my own small island with the money I'm saving due to my large income and expenses of only one person and possibly some cacti (no cats because I hate them), which are the ideal plant because they are actually better off if you leave them to their own devices.

--I suddenly just caught a very strong whiff of skunk coming through my open window. Gag.

--I'm going home for 7 weeks and have no idea if I have a job or anything. I emailed the supervisor at the bank and haven't heard back. That will be an extremely long 7 weeks if I have no job. Not to mention the fact that I will end up being a bum and not getting to eat in the fall as a trade-off for having a place to live.

Bitterness over. Time for bed. I need to finish my paper and take my tests and pack up what I'm taking home for 7 weeks and clean...but it's 11:06 and that's actually half an hour later than I usually stay up.

Monday, April 5, 2010

You know those moments when you're thinking about the future in relation to your own life and specifically the complications that are most likely going to arise and you start hyperventilating and getting scared and wanting to hide in your bed with your head under your covers and cuddle up to your baby blanket and your stuffed dog?

Yeah...those aren't very fun.

I had one of those days today, for a couple of reasons. Reason one was because I had to do an assignment for my class to look up grad schools and pick the top three I'm interested in. Since I'm planning on law school, I was looking at those. Apparently they're all on the east coast and cost upwards of 40,000 smackers. So I had a small freak-out over that. Reason two was it's the end of the semester and endings always make me freak out. I just don't deal with transitions very well, especially when the friend I've been spending pretty much every day with and getting super close to is graduating and going home. :( WAH WAH!

On the plus side, my missionary friend comes home in 6 weeks. :) :) :) I miss him and can't wait for him to be home and hang out with me! And when I come back to Rexburg it will be on the upward swing of the weather! Sunshine always makes everything better. Annnnd I get to go home this weekend and be with my family for a whole week! YAY!!!

Saturday, January 30, 2010


I have been thinking a lot lately.

(Is this new?)

Okay, I usually think. Too much, usually. I think and worry and over-analyze. But I have been thinking about my feelings. I don't really do that very often. In fact, my motto is usually "Ignore 'em 'til they go away." If I don't dwell on my feelings I don't have to deal with them, right?

I am learning that this is unhealthy. Who knew?

Anyway, one of my feelings is of...I'm not sure how to phrase it. (I need a reverse dictionary. You know, like for when I know what I'm trying to say but don't have one specific word for it. You'd think with all the new-fangled technologies we've got these days someone could manage to invent that.) I just feel like I haven't done anything in my life. I will end up being in college for 5 years. And then I still have 3 years of law school. So, eight years of schooling.

Woop woop? No. Not a big woop. All I will have to show for all this is a piece of paper and a lot of debt.

So then I started thinking mission. That's an option.

I'd also love to go to Africa and hang out in the orphanages there. Give out vaccinations. Teach little kids how to read.

Israel will always be on my list.

I've never been to Mt. Rushmore. I've never been to the Statue of Liberty or the Lincoln Memorial or the Liberty Bell or Arlington National Cemetery or the Library of Congress or seen the original Constitution or the Rocky statue in Philadelphia. (Yes, I put Rocky on the same list as our nation's roots. Deal with it.) I want to do all these things, see all these things!

I guess that's my bucket list. Except I don't know if they're possible. American history? I may be able to tackle those. Israel? Less possible. Africa? Probably even less. I need to win a multimillion dollar court case and get money to do all these things. (And I don't mean a lawsuit for something stupid like hot coffee. I mean as a lawyer, I need to kick butt in the courtroom and argue my case and win and get a very large cut of the money.)

I don't even really know why I'm doing all this rambling. I'm in a very introspective mood lately, when I have time to stop and think--which actually isn't all that much because I have ridiculous amounts of homework these days. But all my roommates have boyfriends, so on the off chance I do have free time, I spend it alone. Wah wah.