Tuesday, December 29, 2009


C is for...change.

I'm not talking pocket change. (I am actually really adverse to that after working at a bank--when someone comes in with a jar of pennies, all I want to do is beat them with it.) And I'm not talking change like "Oh, I'm growing up and maturing and my life is changing!" (I'm really adverse to that, too. I like things to stay the same and I want my room to be exactly how I left it and I want my siblings to be the same height in relation to each other and myself and I don't want you to change your hair if I'm not there to see it firsthand because then it'll be this big shock the next time I see you and I'll have to adjust. Just FYI.)

I'm talking changing yourself--not because anyone else wants you to but because you want to. I'm talking finding something about your life you're unhappy about and working on it, making it and yourself as a whole better.

I've been thinking about this a lot because I have a few things I really need to work on. I have said I'm going to work on these areas more than once, but for some reason or another I tend to not do that. Mostly because I'm uncomfortable with these areas (obviously, or they wouldn't be troublesome to me).

But I am really grateful for the ability to change. It all goes back to the Atonement, as most things do--I'm glad I'm not stuck in any one mode for eternity, especially a miserable one. I'm glad that when I'm not sure what to do, I have so many avenues to turn to for direction. And I'm glad that I know I can pray for help in my changes and find it!

Maybe this should've fallen under g for grateful or b for blessings?

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