Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Maiden Voyage

So, I wanted to have something profound (AKA funny) to write about for this very first blog post, but...nothing. I'm not in a very happy/funny mood because I live with 5 girls and that always puts me in a bad mood (although this semester only one is annoying...but she's as annoying as five annoying ones mixed together). Plus I am in college and boys are stupid. (Not at all of them, you know, but a vast majority, especially the ones at BYU-I.) I will most likely end up eating another chocolate covered chocolate chip granola bar, even though I've already had 3 today (AND a frosted blueberry one) and I just bought them last night.

I swear I'm not a binge eater or anything like that.

I just have an addiction to all these chocolate. Like, if a dessert doesn't have chocolate I almost don't even want to use to energy it takes to eat it. Hence the title. Also, I'm a midget. Not the kind that gets a show on TLC (though a boy I work with [and subsequently am madly in love with] and I are working on that); the kind that has to use a step-stool to get the toilet paper down because her roommates keep it on TOP of the kitchen cabinet. Who even does that? Seriously, there are two cabinets under the sink that could easily hold toilet paper! I've moved it before and it keeps mysteriously ending up there. But the toilet paper I buy goes under the sink.

Anyway. As you can see, I enjoy parentheses and caps lock. (SOMETIMES IT'S THE ONLY WAY TO ADEQUATRLY EXPLAIN HOW ANGRY/ANNOYED YOU ARE.) I didn't even know shift capitalized things until like 8th grade.

(I'm eating one of my granola bars right now. 4 down, 4 to go.)

I'm also ticked because the mail never came today! (Well, Kay Lynn and I are saying it never's easier to blame the mailman [woman, actually] than face the idea that we just didn't get any mail.) We both have missionaries we're writing, so we check the mail approximately four times a day...each.

Quit judging us.

This blogging thing is kind of fun! I can just babble away and type and type and type and type. It's almost better than talking out loud because I'll never know if people stop listening/reading. People frequently stop listening while I'm talking and I can see it on their faces, but here you could just click the x and stop reading and I won't be able to tell. But I really don't have anything else to say. I don't feel like venting about stupid boys because I'm bored with that subject. (I live with 5 girls, remember? It's a frequent topic of conversation. Plus it's been a bad boy week, so I've been talking about it a lot.)

My new favorite song is called "You Picked Me" by A Fine Frenzy.
Check it out. I'm going to be busy resisting the urge to eat ANOTHER granola bar. Maybe I'll settle for an Otter Pop.

1 comment:

  1. Yay Mar!! You've joined the dark side!! I think blogging is fantastic because you can seriously rant about things that are on your mind at any time.

    Glad to have you join the club... =D (now you won't be blog stalking me....!!)
