Saturday, August 1, 2009

Are you human?

You know something that bugs me? Those stupid verification things on websites where you have to type in a nonsense word to make sure you're not a spam robot or something. First off, it asks if I'm human. That always just irritates me right off the bat, because yes I am human and if I weren't, I wouldn't be able to comprehend the question, now would I? Second, the words are nonesense. Sometimes they are words or they are close to words, but usually it's a random jumble of letters and that just annoys me. And third, they ALL seem to use some strange font with lines running through it and the letters slanting up that I simply cannot read. YES I AM HUMAN BUT NO, I CAN'T TYPE THAT IN BECAUSE I CAN'T READ IT!

That is all. Carry on.

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